Elise Jamed

When the camera zoomed in on her feet 🦶, go to hell Tasha🥹😂

You did the right thing Clarence! These people want you to continue to beat yourself up about. DONT. You did what you could! You provided a safe space that your kids can run back to you TILL NOW at their grown ages. That alone speaks volumes itself.


And Tash ain’t interrupt his ass either. She was so focused on the wine🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just avoid it Tiffany, IT will go away🙃
“Your folly” 🥴😅🤣…. I’m using this word all week cause and tell everyone I saw an educated idiot singing it in every sentence🥴🥴🥴🤣😫
And no one cares about you using “big words” we are not impressed…real educated, intelligent people do not speak like that. Are you a cartoon🥴🤣
I don’t have a phd so NO ONE should hold me to that standard mr Ma’am. I can misspell like a mf. But your self professed educated asinine self…case closed! Now LOG OFF🗣🤣
Did Larry shit in your coffee mr ma’am? Where do these people come from😩