Delcine Avent

Caresha is somewhere burning pictures tapes all kind of s*** that might be incriminating LOL


πŸ₯³ she might be having a case of Bell's palsy


Tasha u ain't shit..."the chin came back



It's been a minute


Mar 06 at 07:47 PM

Why can't You Screen cast to T.V. anymore option not showing ?


Jan 07 at 07:35 PM

And Speaking of LAWSUITS ISN'T TIME RUNNING OUT for Mrs Jada Pickett Suing Bialial ... ???


Jan 07 at 07:29 PM

Say that shit Again...lawsuits can be filed and become Public Records ..I Haven't heard of Any filings As.of Yet.πŸ‘€


Stepanie Reave yes that was part of it .but a mother knows her child and Yasmin was headed down the same path that so many American children are straight to Hell..morals, straight to Hell, And nowadays you can't say American Propaganda is the problem ...It's the whole damn American Way....And when that Dr started talking about AUTISM..That was her Sign to get him OUT and Back to reality.. It's not like they don't SEE him on a daily I'm sure they do,but the ELECTRONICS BEING Everything as they are in So many Children's lives is not happening to Yasmine ...We in America need to get off the APPS & OLNLY USE WHEN ESSENTIALY NECESSARY...(LIKE THE OLD House Phone .... This would leave Us as a Society time to do the more important things with Family


YEP..She let him go when his pediatrician started talking bout he was on the Spectrum??? and she read up and there is something real Called "virtual Autism He was watching Cocomelon which there was no interaction ..he stopped doing things like he used to like speaking to her in whole sentences and the electronics...So..she weaned him off both ..on her Own and said Nicca you going to the Motherland ..With you Grandma and other family members..He is Now speaking 4 languages ..And doingg way better than here..


Enough of that everywhere..this was refreshing..and funny A F.
