This girl is lying and the truth ain't in her...I'm an ADH provider my family and I have had clients kids to be exact that had been truly raped and molested. There story has stayed consistent since and there grown grown . This girl is mentally ill and she needs her child removed and she needs to go to a physic unit .
Listen this man is the truth!! I know them personally and when I tell you that this man protects this woman with all of his life that's an under statement...From the time she met him in the club until today , He gives her the world and is happy doing it ...ain't no 50/50 he tells her all the time your monies no good here lol 😂
Commented on Hey Winos🥂 We are super flooded in Br...
Jun 12 at 03:58 PM
Y’all be careful out there 🙌🏽