
Her mother didn’t like him from the jump, said he was the worst decision ever and she should’ve listened. She ran towards this bum! I hope she has learned her lesson. Their baby had to have surgery not too long ago. And now he’s choking her! If they weren’t threatening to take her kid away, I believe she would be trying to take him back!

His name is gunplay, he’s a drug addict and I don’t need a PHD to know to stay far away from him!

She loves the drama, get off the phone and take care of your baby!

Black Christians are insane

I thought Jamal the dog biter was Bow Wow

Why leave that cup on the counter when your baby could’ve gotten to it? That part has to be a lye!
Why would you want a lowdown man that cheats on his wife and wants to take his wife’s money and leave her? If he’s lowdown to his wife wouldn’t you think he would be lowdown to you?
Sometimes people don’t care enough about themselves. If her younger brother or sister told her they met a crazy person that stabbed their own brother, would she advise them to go across country to live or even hang out with them? Interview her parents/ family Tasha, something ain’t right!
Where is this young lady’s mother and father. Why is she running to help strangers? She is a role model to her own younger siblings? Hang out with your own younger siblings. Don’t invite crazy strangers into your life. What was she looking for in strangers? Moving across the country for strangers you just met?