
Jun 10 at 12:58 PM

Yes, we need that!

👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 And don’t get discouraged by all of these ignorant comments putting you down. Everyone doesn’t come from a good, loving, and healthy home.


I agree, lots of ignorant women here… Cierra!


She never had anyone to parent her. She needs love and protection. Counseling, therapy, and mentorship would go a long way with her. She’s smart and strong. She just needs help.


27 with 5 kids and no help is overwhelming for anyone. Men leave their kids all of the time and nobody says a word. Men are the problem. Why is the responsibility always on the woman. Men should have to get a license to create kids. I commend her, she didn’t drive off a cliff with her kids.


We can’t see him good with the hat on, damn it!

May 18 at 07:23 PM

Someone said that she said she has a disability

Tasha🤢🤮 please don’t bring him back. Just like you didn’t want that glass back, we don’t want him back. 🤮🤮🤮


She said “I think she got em all