Tyma Tyma

Phoenix, AZ, United States

Nov 25 at 01:25 AM

Since we taking all black people down! This shit is crazy! Groupies getting paid!

Nov 24 at 06:14 PM

I think I will wait until the first of the year. I have too many parties to go to this last year.... good luck yall!

Nov 24 at 05:41 PM

Ok I'm in

Nov 23 at 03:20 PM


Nov 23 at 03:19 PM


these niggas all telling on theyself on live! SOCIAL IS 50!

Nov 18 at 08:50 PM

I can't stand yall!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nov 18 at 08:47 PM



Commented on Phuckery Friday

Nov 17 at 10:04 PM

What happened with Chelsea? I hope she made her sign a NDA!!!

Nov 09 at 05:33 AM

what are we doing here?? Why are we giving this attention? This is preversion.  I hope this is the last Trans video calling women out and lying to get on!