
Why yes u would take an addict on record...Orlando Brown

Jun 14 at 06:58 PM

Talk about sheeps looking for a shephard.

Jun 14 at 06:48 PM

Wow all of the men have untraditional relationships with they moms.

Oct 06 at 05:19 PM

How did he abuse her? this man has abusive traits and prays on womans desperation. He out here dry snitch on that nasy stuff she do. Talm bout she in the chats. boy, cause she convinced herself she enjoyed that had to do with keeping him. This man was with a young woman that he prolly didnt have to convince too hard to do some stuff she wasnt in full agreement with. Now she spazzing cause she realized she signed up for some stuff that got her looking real crazy. This brother sounds like a typical visitor of the state that had enough time to educate themselves but not enough time to realize preying on the weak minded woman is wrong.

Oct 06 at 02:00 PM


Oct 06 at 12:44 PM

He hates the same woman he dates. This dude hates himself and validates his existance on his egotistic accomplishments that are fleeting. He dont understand his antiquity. He desires to be a God but is giving peasant vibes. Its nothing for a King to care for his family, whether they love kim or not. These dudes are quick to talk about Mansa Musa but he's known for giving his Gold away. This guys is funneling pennies from his baby mom. Nothing justifies that. A king chooses his battles wisely.