Nakia S

Tasha you made a lot of valid points in regards to her constantly making excuses and codling her boys

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Sep 23 at 02:02 AM

How are you comparing these situations Larry is allegedly sexually assaulting boys out here and passing HIV around

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Sep 23 at 01:58 AM

I watched wow, but I don’t get why they mad at TK…

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Sep 22 at 10:08 PM

What happened now?

Commented on JUJU (uncut)

Sep 08 at 11:01 AM

I’m just starting on this series, why does it say Ex member for everyone, did they leave after this interview or prior

Commented on CALIBER (uncut)

Sep 08 at 10:55 AM

His skin is beautiful!
Charlemagne is being protected on a high level… Follow the money
I believe every word, I believed her the first time she spoke about it and when Star reported it… I’m just wondering who’s protecting him at this point, the Nigg loves to push mental health but what about this woman’s mental health