Ralonda Ralonda

28:00 Tasha eyes and neck about the husband sexuality 😳 🤣

Jan 31 at 01:01 PM

This is sad yet so common for women to lie about. I really feel bad for this man and I hope he gets all the justice he possibly get can through the court's. Child service needs to take this child from this lady there are so many families out here deserving of a child. They need to lock her ass up.
Fuck that lead (Ettorney) he is trash. You said what you said!
I live for Norris and his reads😂Yessss
Yea, I'm glad you and Wiley needed this conversation. I like Wiley I feel like it's all about views and what Armon wants because of their history. Wiley needs to wake up so his show can prosper. Armon wants nothing good for no one. The devil stay busy Wiley better wake up. Thank you Chelsea for coming in and keeping that shit real. 👏🏼
Chelsea and Storm, lord thank yall for not going there. Storm do you okay now. 👍
Beyonce is slow Latasha everyone knows that. She can keep IvoryPark and keep it moving.
I love the Kebes, great decision to not show the pic's. You all have a brand to protect.