
I had no idea about the real Benzeno! Between seeing him cry about his daughter's success this week and THIS interview-so far- he definitely gained a fan!


Commented on Barney and Babybop

Aug 02 at 03:25 PM


I'm seeing Fraggle Rocks Marjory the trash 🤭

Commented on LIAR?

Jul 31 at 10:21 PM

Lmfao! Nah, let them come and spend a lil money. The Winos will humble that ass. Then they will resubscribe under a new profile and stfu.


Jul 31 at 10:14 PM

That rat faced bitch should be glad she only got a mic! I would've crowd surfed to her ass! Lmbo!!


Replied on post was deleted

Jul 29 at 09:47 AM

Oh hellllll nahhhhhh. 😂🤣😭🤣😂🤣😭Why ya'll be on Chelsea like this?

Commented on Ugh

Jul 27 at 09:12 PM

Tk looks great. If anything it shows how slimy his boxed face ass is!


Replied on Fix it

Jul 21 at 07:31 PM

Chub what are you talking about!? The lawsuit IS settled. Judgement been in! Let that Helfer collect that $20.00 a month and move the fuck on! You too!


Jul 19 at 08:43 PM

Mary about to be reading to the kids like that scene from Color Purple. "Mary, M...A...R...Y. MaaaAArrrrry!"
