Sugga Knight

Phoenix, AZ, United States

I love love love Da Master Stylist. I used to study her daily, being a Cosmetologist we had the same type of genre. Love her. She did her thang on your hair đŸŒ·
She stated she tried to sway him to still not speak up on this.
🧐😧 not she’s a life coach also?!
“I’ve always been a mother and have always got his back” yeah a poor excuse of a mother and woman of God. Being a Christian doesn’t mean being a fool. Even Jesus had 12 riders with him. E are Christian but not defenseless.
She has zero against the man who molested her son?! I’m so triggered by this and your nonchalant and empathetic mannerisms towards this woman, as a victim. This woman said she was molested, but didn’t believe her own children?! Like they say you either become predator or a superhero and she most definitely became a predator smh.
Folks who believe in hell lead me to believe that they haven’t actually read the Bible. The Bible states that the dead know nothing, that we are in a deep sleep until we are resurrected for paradise (those who names who have been written in the book of life) . It is directly contradictory for God to resurrect everyone and send folks to join Satans army. Satan doesn’t have the power to resurrect anyone nor is he equal to God so why would it make sense that God gave Satan the world and an alternate place to rule for eternity. Y’all give Satan too much credit. If he was that powerful he wouldn’t need to use trickery to get us to get us to live in hell with him after already living in his world. God doesn’t intervene with free will and Satan doesn’t have an extra bedroom in hell waiting on you below his house (the world)
This isn’t all of us, just the ones who are really about money, fame and being seen. Vanity is not of the Lord at all. Please don’t box us all up sis because this is the furthest from God you can get. Not you but the “minister” in this video
And she still trying to protect Reid by trying to convince her son not to speak to?? If you backed off of handing it yourself, why not call the police then?!
How do you lose it on FTN Bae but let this demon slide Tasha?! It’s giving sympathies for the predator which she very much is