Sugga Knight

Phoenix, AZ, United States

You can tell she loves her son and understands Chrissean. But as a mother, I understand her completely.
This is such an amazing interview 🌷
This was a great interview ladies. I’m glad she was able to tell her story finally 💝🌷
She needed her mommy and I’m so sorry she wasn’t there for you emotionally after the fact 😥. I pray I never end up that damaged that I can’t be there for my child when he needs me.
Okay now I see tears and awwww Tasha, you’re amazing boo. My heart breaks for you as well 🥺
Tasha you’re so stinking beautiful sis 🌷
So Larry and Boo raped her? Not Charlemagne?
In my spirit* not head 🤦🏾‍♀️ lololololol
Tasha spirit ain’t even allowing her to sympathize or empathize with her.
Ain’t sitting right in my head* and she hasn’t been consistent on details throughout this whole situation