Sugga Knight

Phoenix, AZ, United States

Commented on Aftershow 4.1.22

Apr 04 at 05:55 PM

I get it from my mother. She’s in her 50s and still kicking up dust business wise. We set our mind and get it done, then next.. I don’t have ADHD but it’s essentially the same thing but productive.

Replied on Aftershow 4.1.22

Apr 04 at 05:52 PM


Commented on Aftershow 4.1.22

Apr 04 at 05:52 PM

I’m thee same exact way Tasha. I’m very inconsistent but wealth comes from my inconsistency and everything I touch runs to gold. I’m 35 and a creator as well. I’ve done everything from business management, media, radio, Cosmetologist etc etc etc etc etc. I’m my own boss. Big Leo (Lioness) energy 💋
Norris appears talking about he putting your birthday gift in the mail every week lololololol. Norris is adorable
In the way
Yeah fat niggas got little dicks because they belly be too big. It may not get huge in ratio from fat to penis but it’ll get look bigger and touch more without all that belly
A woman eating a man’s ass is NOT gay

Commented on #IAINTGOTIT

Feb 21 at 11:59 PM

I knew she as high during the versus 😹😹😹