Sugga Knight

Phoenix, AZ, United States

No it’s been happening to me too
I agree with the no reconciliation unless time, therapy and change is had. I’ve said since the beginning that Brianna gives Thin Line Between Love & Hate vibes.
This is such a great interview. Kevin is giving so many lessons that I know will go over so many women’s heads but would repair so many broken hearts, home and relationships. Kevin spoke 100% facts. If only women would care as much about men and regard them as human as they do themselves, the world would be in a much better state
You can’t be serious.. if the shoe was flipped you’d feel the same way
Your daughters action that does she loves him is the fact that she conversing About it with you. He doesn’t knit she loves him but you do. When she finally tells him her actions will show it.
If you love a movie, the action is that you watch it repeatedly. If you love fish, you are eating it repeatedly which is the action
People who think love is an emotion often get it misconstrued with lust
I can tell you I love you but if I treat you like I don’t, which will you believe? Love is an action period. There’s no way around it
Love is definitely an action word not emotional