Karla Butler

Lol I'm so over jada. She wouldn't even be relevant if she wasn't married to Will. Nobody cares about what she has to say at this point.
Congratulations. The ceremony looked wonderful.

Sep 28 at 01:17 PM

Finally just watching this. It seems sad asf. All seem like they were seeking something in life and came across his videos and some how believed what he was feeding them. I'm so confused how they thought he was a prophet or whatever 3god is supposed to be. He was robbing, was into other things b4 he supposedly found his calling to make money off this lost souls. So is he the only one allowed to have sex with these women. Just sad asf and misguided.
Very interesting interview. Never was 1 to watch porn.
Very sad situation. He should have definitely done time. The American justice system sucks.
And for that saweetie said that if he wasn't a rapper she'd still be in love with him, gurl stop it.
Absolutely love ur show. Glad u called out these haters, u should've called out that lady Khia live. Like why lie about stuff like that just to get on the show.
Lol hell nawl. The same body parts from birth.
All these women this is beyond crazy. Can only imagine how many other women there are that haven't come forward? Why isn't his wife ever around? Why doesn't she attend any shows? The disrespect is unreal.

Mar 11 at 12:59 PM

Shawn seems like a womanizer. He just wants to sleep around. Got these women paying stuff and he can't help these women even a little