
I'm convinced Bethany is mad cause she ugly. Period! Bethany looks 70 years old. Damn!
Tasha you are right about Nia Long. She is one of my favorite actresses. However I just cant see her in Avatar.
That camera footage gave me chills. I'm so glad you are here to tell your story. Tasha I can see Scars is gonna become HUGE. I love this show. I have a soft spot for victims. The injuries were horrific.
Envy and jealousy is a dangerous thing.
🍷Come through Tasha! You are killing the game. I binge watch stories such as these. It's a plus that it's on your APP now. I love where you are going with the APP. I love when victims speak up. 😌 💔💖💖
Tasha you got him. Reid did this to himself, not you or anyone else. He's guilty! I'm so sorry Lavontraye, I'm so so sorry 😞
Tasha you are working your ass off.💪🍷🍾🍷🍾
Awesome interview Tasha! I don't understand why folks be nervous to interview with Tasha. As long as you are not a pedophile or a disgusting individual who manipulates and take advantage of people by abusing your power and touching on children you're good. I'm the same way. We are good until i find out otherwise. Tasha exposes people for who they are. Do right and you will have nothing to worry about. It's simple!
Bring him back he's one of my favorite guest. It's entertaining watching the two of you go back and forth.This is so good. Awesome interview 🍷
Tashaaaaaa Tashaaaaaa