
New York, NY, United States

Whomever that is needs to Leave Beyoncé 🐝out her dirty disgusting mess and stand in it alone. Nevertheless, I appreciate you recognizing us day 1 winos on the App. You’re welcome!..Tk❤️#1🍷🐐
FuQ that! Idgaf if Nicki replies or doesn’t! Because they do not rent space in her head! She addresses and dismisses!..She’s too preoccupied making into making HIT(S) and collabs on many different levels her craft is fierce 🔥 back to back hit Nicki got her knees on their necks LOL! They’re trying to take away her shine. But it ain’t working Nicki ain’t jelous of these peasants.. they WISH!
Tasha body language on Bishop interview says it all 😭😆😭😆
I CANNOT with the Bishop interview! LMBO!…BAHAHAHA lolol(SCREAMING) TASHA IS A MESS😃😂😆😭😭😭
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!..My stomach!…😂😆😆BAHAHAHAHA! Sherrri Shereeri!..OMGOSH! Tasha’s A mess 😂
I appreciate you putting the dates of the lives! Because utilizing this app takes some getting use to! Before adding the dates of the lives, I wasn’t sure which episodes was the more recent to keep me a float so again appreciate the dates Kebe family
Tasha brought that fine Wine out the cellar tonight❤️ 🍷
After show is so real. Winos get to see you interact with your family and friends. You’re such a beautiful personality TK💕🌸
My Father is very Dark. DS/ BM. My Mom very very Light, LS BW. My family is light/dark skin ppl. My siblings, some very D/ some very L. We Never had colorism issues. TK does have issues with LS/BW. Because ever since I changed my profile pic and she found out I’m LS she DON’T show me No fan love! NONYA😂..but I lov Ya ❤️🍷..