
New York, NY, United States

Nov 27 at 06:56 PM

Never heard of this man until now! I absolutely Love his view points because they’re based on personal experience!
..In addition! He’s correct in saying “I admitted my wrong for lying on my brother”…but what he did shows how much he hated his brother! (Thin line btwn love & hate) He literally sat back and did nothing to help his brother.. Only Now he wants forgiveness! After willingly and wrongfully assisting is his brothers demise!
This is proof this is a conspiracy! His is not an upstanding man.. He lied on his own brother..he’s a liar; shifty; envious! This is proof there were countless shady characters who were involved with Robert Kelly! R.Kelly should not be the only one going down for these crimes. Because the people around him were enablers in more ways than One! And part of the cause of his demise. Evil truly exists! Money is the root of all Evil!