Jewel H

Commented on Yall ready

Sep 14 at 07:47 PM

Wow Tasha! I think he is a beautiful human being. Autistic or not he smarter and more intelligent than all of us. He most certainly using more than 10% of his brain. Genius.

Kimberly Shamberger spot on. Because “normal” ppl who don’t use the vast majority of their brains don’t understand the capacity the brain of a genius works on. He’s very bright


Juanita Rowe Correct. Autistic means your mind works differently. But obviously IF he IS he seems brilliant.


Replied on Who y'all got?

Sep 11 at 08:06 AM

That’s what he always does 🤦🏾‍♀️

Commented on Who y'all got?

Sep 11 at 08:06 AM


Lmao Tasha said Oh you can’t touch me no mo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Awww I love the new teddy!!! He was breaking it down!

Jun 22 at 07:12 AM

She lied it was just to get back at tamar! He addressed it