✨️🩷Maya JaNay🩷✨️

I like when Peaches Royale dropped the talking point timestamps in the comment section last time. If you get time to do that for future videos, it is so appreciated. I don't skip but it does help me know what to look forward to..😊. No pressure, just thought I'd ask.
She says Robert was too incomprehensible to understand that a minor is a minor, yet he wrote all of those magnificent, intricately detailed songs with genius analogies and expressions??.. uuggh. Mute her and Robert!🤦🏾‍♀️ Doing whatever it takes to take down a pedophile is cheating? Gosh, give me my 5 minutes back from her.
The caller defending R. Kelly bothers me on multiple levels🤬 Tasha you did well handling her.
He's snoring 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love Chelsea's recap! Keep going Chelsea!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Carey thought Robert was in the clear before the charges got brought up and was trying to monetize off of his brother's name until he realized his brother was screwed....., the family name was screwed.... and his only financial opportunity was to go back to being a monkey for his sick ass brother.
I have to keep in mind that he's still a baby in the industry. 5 years in?... I'm curious of his perception once he's a bit more experienced. I would love to hear from an experienced black sex actor on his take of the industry post-participation.
Likewise. Totally agree

Jun 27 at 10:58 AM

Tasha you are the 🐐! The way you're protecting her case in sacrifice of your interview is true character. ❤️❤️