Jacqueline Mckay

Commented on HOMECOMING

Feb 09 at 08:16 PM


Feb 08 at 08:52 PM

Yup that him I was at that show and I was laughing at his ass


Feb 08 at 08:43 PM


Feb 08 at 08:40 PM

Not the funky book

Commented on Tonight at 8 Pm Est.

Feb 08 at 08:19 PM

I really enjoyed this interview

Feb 06 at 04:41 PM

Well I’m a true wineo I have made it all the way to your flyer this made my day please set the date for Baltimore

Feb 05 at 05:56 PM

Janie B. And we had a time Miami I miss y’all I’m sad I’m going to miss this one I have a few trip coming up

Replied on GO TASHA

Jan 19 at 03:20 AM

Congratulations it beautiful 🍷🍷