Jonquette Washington

Shreveport, LA, United States

Can someone tell me what happened to Chelsea?

They needed to take Storm. He was not loyal anyway.


Didn't she? She stayed loyal until the truth was seen.

This is my first time hearing about the first son. I've never heard Monnique say anything bad about him, only her part in it.

Totally Disgusting. I don't give a damn. I would have never stood up there and said those words.

Emily House there are many children who are definitely delayed due to Mom smoking while pregnant. Just because it didn't happen to yours makes you the exception, but I work with children every single day. Even when 15 year Olds smoke, it blocks neurons from forming correctly because their brains are still forming. There are many more examples I could give.

Jan 30 at 08:43 AM

The years that Tiny was alone and T.I. was in jail, her Mom helped her with the kids. Earlier on, Tiny went went in tour to make money to take care of Zonnique. It is nothing different than some women who are single mothers. Tiny was at home with her kids when Tip was in jail and afterwards. He didn't want to be at home and be bored. He wanted to be with his Grandmother who let him do what he wanted to do. On the show, Tip told her he had to come home.