July 09
• Edited (Jul 09, 2024)

Do Not Respond…! I have been gone because I’m been soooooo busy minding the business that pays me…😩 But YouTube keeps putting TS vs. TK beef in my algorithm, which I have not watched. Because, they beef, like we breath air. Except today, I decided to watch the last video posted regarding the beef….. 🤬😤I saw enough to say: TASHAK, Stop Responding…!…!!!!!! Why? TS just ticked off a lot of people. Read the comments. Let her look like a fool because her LAST words hit so many wrong notes, it’s ahhhhh not looking too good. There is no justification—NONE—for her verbally re-victimizing a child molestation victim, especially since TS was in the porn industry, where most victims end up at a very young age. **Does that mean she co-signs victimization of kids? Legit, people are now concerned….. She is from an industry that deal heavy handed monopolizing off “majority” victims…. And because it’s that industry and the vivid visualizations she provided….. it was a legit, PAUSE….! What did she say?????
Plus, this issue transcends beyond the black and brown community. It’s a big dog whistle. Especially, during a hot election season. What she said vs. what she meant: the line wasn’t blurred enough to back track it or “clear it up.” She has 10% wiggle room. She triggered a lot of people. If anything, make what she said GO SUPER VIRAL..!! Send it everywhere, including Breakfast Club, TMZ, and put it on X……everybody…… It’s not okay.
What she said in such “explicit details”, connecting a child’s private parts to an adult’s private part as a “read”? That wasn’t a read. That wasn’t even doing the most! That was disturbing. Send it to everyone and go on try to get on popular NEWs network. Apologize for her behavior, because “I didn’t realize our beef would spark her okaying child rape, I feel hurt for myself and other victimizes of child molestation. It’s so bad I never thought I would have to apologize on behalf of my enemy…” AND CRY!!!!!! If Claudia can cry U BETTER CRY. Cry because you were re-victimized… Cry for not knowing she was so dark and twisted. Cry because the audience that love both you and/or her were subjected that level of visceral hate. Cry for her retriggering survivors and closing the door on TEENS that look up to her and a leader of their community that was most likely VIOLATED…..TS statement hurt so many people both male and female……!!! CRY…..! THAT WAS NOT OKAY! Rally your troops and put what “she said” on the damn “MEGA” phone. But, say nothing. Silence speaks more volumes and carries a heavy weight. Silence tends to win 95% of the time.
TS was not in her right mind at all…..! Plus, we are in a season where transgender people are under fire for issues like going into bathrooms with kids, changing in the locker rooms but not using a stall, impregnating prisoners, unbalancing women’s sports, and soooooooo much more. They are legit fighting for equal rights buuuuuuuttttr TS is not helping their cause right now, at all. Especially, since the men of the LGBTQIA+ community have fought for soooooooooo long the stigmatizism that they are “after our kids.” Say nothing and let her words be the end of the talking. TK should take the high road as wanting to help other victims heal, because she has had many YEARSSSSSSSS of therapy.
The nerve of that woman, I’m so mad. I can’t even check my grammar for errors. I wanted my little 2 cents opinion to chime in because, I’m like super hot and it’s not okay.
This is the fork in the road, high ground, adult-in-the-room moment. People will pause. Read everyone’s comments who posted it. Only a small few said TK deserved it; the rest are calling for TS’s head.
Sorry… I’m not okay when it comes to kids. I feel violated. I thought Jag was bad but no……. I will never support someone for such a vivid description of HOW…!!!! To Molest a Child. It was the detailing for me.