Okay so SHOUTOUT TO Mrs Everything YOU INSPIRED THIS when you made that "icecream" outta pureed fruits!!! Way to trick the mind!

HERE'S HOW I MADE THIS PIZZA..Feel free to do it how you like!

The crust is made with lentil flour (they sell it at some major stores; usually in the world foods section), oat flour, buckwheat flour, and fine blended granola. Why don't I just use lentil flour only?...Because I like my crust FLUFFFFYYYY!!! If you want it flat, just stick to the lentil flour. You can also make homemade lentil flour, btw. I also didn't add my toppings, sauce, "cheese" in the oven until after a while because I didn't want them to get drippy juicy nor crusty and rotted looking. Bananas and apples look scary to me when baked too long. I don't even like eating banana/apple chips...I feel like they look rotten...even though I know they are not.

Okay now this was a bit tricky, ya'll...I thought I was going to use some of the blended mix from the "cheese" but then I was like...why when I can blend up some strawberries, raspberries, cherries, oats, a banana, a sweet plum, and a papaya. I was like well DANG...look at this awesome pizza sauce!!! I was happy I made that choice!!! Now given my plan for the cheese, I figured I better use spinach to cover the sauce so it doesn't possibly get soupy with the "cheese" ingredients. So I cooked the spinach and ended up with too much but I layered the pizza and kinda pinched pieces and let it look like a meatball...a green one...but whatever LOL

For the cheese appeal, I blended up bananas, 1 mango, a quarter of a cucumber, and 1 kiwi. I used 3/4th as the pour on and 1/4 of it I put in a small mini silicone cake mold (I got it from Michael's in the bakery section) and froze it. When I got ready to make the pizza, I took the frozen "cheese" out so that it can soften ALITTLE and when I was ready to add it, I grated it ontop of the pizza for that shredded cheese appeal! Gotta trick my eyes, chile!

For the toppings, I cut up square chunks of an apple, a pear, and a white peach and froze them. I added them in the last 7 minutes for the pizza so they wouldn't get soggy or dry up and burn. Now when I say I cut them up...I'm not talking about the traditional way...Baybaaeeee, I got an All-In-One FullStar vegetable chopper...It's time-convenient!!! Though if you have one of those egg choppers from the Dollar Tree, that will work as well! Now the browning of the apples and bananas will let you know when you need to take that thang out. Don't let it burn, chile.

AND THAT'S IT, YA'LL!!! It was alot BUT I was creating something new...and I must say...IT WAS DELICIOUS!!! Now it didn't have that cheesy look when I pulled the slices apart but that's okay. I wasn't expecting that anyway...and I did not have a problem with the sauce leaking all out...so that was great!!! This was honestly the BEST pizza LOL! You don't have to add as many fruits and things as I did...I wanted to make sure I had the consistency and texture and good flavor so I was mixing and tasting as I go. You know..that old school southern way LOL.