May 25, 2023

Hey Wineville haven’t been present here much lately but I’m going to tell my business cause I love y’all) if I ever get famous don’t tell my shit 😂)

Anywho I almost lost my Mom 3 times in the past 3 months. Last week being the most current.

Long story short, she’s been sober going on 14 years, which came w/ a long line of health problem. I didn’t build a relationship with her until she became sober( Dad raised me🫶🏽) but I realized I really don’t love on her like I did my Dad cause of resentment. Now I’m on her ass like white on rice almost losing her. She wasn’t the best Mom but isan amazing Granny. So if no one told you today I love you and someone else does too. Love on someone today!

Now back to your wine 💙 see y’all tomorrow 🍷🍷🍷