December 04, 2022

This just hit me. Mrs. LaTruth went after Tasha this morning on FB Live and what she was angry about was that Tasha said she wanted an interview on Tasha's platform. She wasn't mad that Tasha said she was lying on her husband. But was mad that Tasha said she wanted an interview with her and she said that wasn't true. But not the part about her lying on her husband. I been going hard in the comments on that man's FB Lives defending her....Lord, I need to apologize to Robert LaTruth and mind my business. I assumed it happened to her because I been through that before. I'm going to leave people alone. I do not have Tasha K's Spy Senses or expertise in this area and am not a professional like TK at seeing through these people lies. #WinoGang🍷 🐐