So when I'm feeling seductive and "excited", I grab all the fruits I feel are sweet and seductive and blend them together such as:

  • Bananas
  • Peaches
  • Raspberries
  • Goji Berries
  • Apricots
  • Mangoes
  • Cantaloupes
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • and Oats

It's sooooooo delicious!!! And fulfilling!!!

(And here's the weird part for anyone that wants to read on) After I make this, I go sit my hot tail down at my momma's house with my epipen LOL Why do I go to her house? Cause she's a retired HRN that worked in CCU & ICU...baybaeee she's gone save my life if the epipen doesn't smh...then after I go from a decently flat stomach to looking 9 months pregnant due to the reaction, I go home and curl up with my body pillow because I'm in pain ...all this just so I can have 3 pineapple chunks...I'm stubborn...I know...smh...I used to be able to eat it for over 20 years of my life before suddenly having allergic reactions. Nonetheless, when I wake up later on at night and my stomach is back...I'M READY TO PLAY!!! I be wetter than water!!! Now if I'm single, I just turn on some good old school R&B Love Makers and put the pole up until I burn out the energy.