April 22, 2023

Heyy y'all! I'm not over hear trying to promote this lady's products after how she did Tasha. BUT just as a heads up the embrace Pangaea lady seems to be trying to rectify her wrong doings of not giving people their orders by now allowing customers to fill out a form online if you never received your order. I don't know about y'all but I want my shit! I spent $167 the last time I ordered from her! And whats worse is I used afterpay to pay for it 🤣. That was major lost for me. I live paycheck to paycheck child. Anywho for anyone who might like to still receive their order for last year the link I posted below is the form you fill out to say you never received your order. So lets see if she actually does the right thing and send people the stuff they paid for.


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