LOVE MY PEOPLE….! Jamaicans Check-In……. !!!
Portmore, Kingston - Sunshine City …!!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
“A Man Can’t See The Message Unless Him Search…..” The most brilliant thing I heard this week.
So happy they focused on the MUSIC…! And The Creation ART…! From the Soul of man that understood the plight of everyone( surpressed people). Tears…..! It’s People…. Heart and Soul of The PEOPLE.
Rita was a no though…😩🤔. Her accent was sooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooorrrrriiiibbbbbblllllllleeeeeeeee. But they captured her essence enough to understand the strong measage…. It’s always been BOB and Rita. No Rita=Midicore Bob…Behind every great man or woman there stands “one……” and their mom’s 😂🤣✨✨