January 20, 2023

Tasha I really want to take the time out to say you very much for this. You just don't know how many ways you are helping people. In my case, I just got out a 10 year relationship and it left me heart broken, confused, stressed, mad,pissed off, and some mo shit. I was thinking of ways to find me again and yes I wanted to do detoxing and fasting, but I was so low in my spirit that I couldn't even get to it. So when I seen you were going to do this, I knew it was GOD! This came right on time to help me kick this new year off and plus getting me ready for my 49th birthday on Feb. 14th. I'm so thankful that I was surfing and came across this loud mouth lady that I couldn't stop watching after the first time I seen you. So for you I am thankful and many blessings to you and your family.