February 10, 2023

I am sure some of you have experience high prices in eggs at the grocery store. Well, feed prices have increased in the as well. Fast forward to September of last year. World wide chickens have stopped laying. After many farmers, my self included put two and two together. Big corporations land o lakes partnered with Bill gates to change the feed recipe. This is a world wide issue. I have 37 laying hens (all different laying ages) and two hens that are pets and are not housed in our chicken tractor. The two pet hens eat all natural. The 37 hens eat store brought food and all 37 hens stopped laying eggs in September. Pet hens still give me an a day.

Tasha have you heard of anything about this. US farming industry is completely different than other countries. Who are the other big corporations in charge of our food supply? Also EAT LOCAL, GROW YOU A GARDEN WINOS. THERE ARE MANY OPTIONS FOR SMALL SPACE GARDENS.