October 05, 2023

After the incident and annount that in the state of Florida she could not grt a divorce if the other partner didn't sign the documents.. BULLSHIT. I served my ex-husband at the end of Nov..had 30 days to respond and did not. I was Divorced Jan 4th. The process can be even quicker if there is a Restraining order.
Florida is a Spousal Immunity state...meaning that as long as she's married to GunPlay she cannot be forced to testify against him in court. Why would she go do all of these interviews telling her "Story" only to stay married just so she doesn't have to testify. Correct me if I'm wrong but if any nigga points an AR-15 at me and an infant, beats my ass and abuses my child..his ass belongs under the jail. Something about this story is not right.