February 03
• Edited (Feb 03, 2024)

Who is going to tell Tasha K? GLBTQ+

Victoria Monet been bisexual before she actually blew up. That girl came out dating Kelhani then popped out with a man and a baby and music where she predominantly sang to males. Anyone that doesn’t know this isn’t a real fan of her music because she has one song for women for every 7 songs about sex with males.

While I do wonder why it’s often announced to strangers who or why you’re attracted to and sleeping with someone, when you have to live in a closet for most of your life, experience bullying and adversities because you are attracted to the same gender, it can be a hell of an oppressive life. I can imagine that she was told she actually had to appeal to males and sell sex before her record company and backings would take her seriously as an artist.
She discusses depression and self doubt. All of these things can transpire when you’re being suppressed or forced to hide parts of you. I think she’s tired of having to do this and wants women to know she’s not completely off the market because she allowed someone to knock her up and give her an anchor baby.

SMH this girl been bi heavily into women the shocker was when she actually popped out with a man. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Let that girl be bi sexual and proud in peace. You are straight and on the contrary you discuss being heterosexual frequently on your platform. You let us know when you plan to give head every anniversary and birthday to
Your husband in peace and you’re allowed to be heterosexual in peace lol leave that girl alone. lol
The circus 🎪 that we’ve been watching when you do partnership with people born XY that exist in these Black GLBTQ+ spaces over the last several months has been a hot ass mess. This girl coming out reminding people she like eating 🐱😽is very mild compared to that foolishness.

You have spent months allowing people born physically stronger than women, to say they should be allowed to put hands and feet on Black women because they take estrogen pills and blockers, wear wigs and changed their gender on a drivers license, access to promote this type of discourse and dysfunction from your platform. This girl came out and said she like 😽 ain’t talking about violence just the reality that she likes eating 😽🐱😩. I agree with you challenging people in the GLBTQ+ community to think higher order and to try to live cohesively with others that aren’t in the community but Victoria does nothing to no one. Please leave that woman alone.