February 28, 2024

Wine is the new tea

I appreciate you sticking new talent out there and some of the talent that is actually more seasoned at delivering quality content. These personalities aren’t blending well enough to keep my attention span at all. It’s usually 2 out of 3 and sometimes only 1 out of 3. I usually could do without the other 2. Why does it always have to be 3? You can tell sometimes that these personalities don’t realistically want to even be on with their colleagues.

Who ever is selecting them to be together and perhaps it’s random draws, these personalities aren’t blending well at all for me and I’ve been disappointed in the mixtures. I can watch Bondy Blue and Nyla alone depending on what they’re covering. These are stronger content creators. Can we get the stronger content creators paired up by themselves and these content creators that are new and all over the place put together instead of these mixtures we are currently getting?

Nobody likes a catch all bag or haphazardly blended batch of loose leaf tea! It taste nasty! 🤢