Sharde Jackson

Yall are putting so much heat on the woman. She was a side chick. So tf what?! She's able to move on. Rocky can't take from her what he didn't give. Put that heat on the man. He stood at the alter with Tosha. He made vows. He made the commitment. He violated his vows and his marital contract-not the side chick. The side chick owes no one anything. I'm a wife and if this happened to me, my husband will be at fault. Not no side chick
He a f niqqa. Period. He can take his apology and shove it!
He needs to go to jail now. Savanna should sue him and the justice system
Chelsea! Please tell TK what oblige means. Lol. That's the second time I've hear her use the word out of context. No shade. Love you TK!
If you post the video.... charge! People will pay for what they want
Dicks getting bigger because white women are more white women are being with black men