Men really have the gift of gab when they are a manipulator. I feel bad for every woman from Tocha on down. Hoe much p#&&? does a nicca need? I'm glad she owned up to her part. I'm praying for her andTocha 🙏🙏 to move forward and let him run around like he's a teenager.
I'm feeling SOOO bad for LaTosha! Men like this could give 2 fuccs about the mental games they play!!! I'm soooo angry at the nerve of her to sit all high and mighty about her "back porch" actions!! Why do women like this feel like they have so much MF range?! 😕 Tye extra insult to me is, Rocky's comment about transferring TOSHA'S DAMN MONEY 💰 🤔😒🤬😤. After a week questions should have been asked in my opinion. I'm REALLY not feeling bad for her after 5 years of just waiting. Waiting for what though? I guarantee you she ignored her woman intuition in the beginning. So she is just as much to blame as his funky balls a**! Praying for Tosha!
I pray for Savanah 🙏. That was tense! I couldn't imagine her being one on one with him because in my opinion (like most controlling men) in his mind she's his personal property. Eventhough he admitted to lying, that GUILT will own him for life due to his lying and selfish act on the witness stand. Men with that kind of mind set are too unpredictable and scary. I think she needs to relocate all together because he's obsessed with her to me.
It's really baffling how you put so much time, effort and then some into marriage they find away to find a skank to show up after ALL the wife has done to contribute and build this dude. I love it with so much truth. "When we're done, we're DONE!" ITS ALL GOOD! I agree, he's definitely going to repeat the cycle. I'm so happy for Mechelle 🙏🙏🙏
Commented on Another REALLY BAD Interview! This one is about Safaree, Erica Mena, & Amara La Negra!
Apr 18 at 03:41 PM