Natasha Camielle Harris

Jul 14 at 09:42 AM

💯 facts. Cause baby this is a Hot Girl Summer there is better 🍆 to ride . Have a Magnificent Day

Jul 14 at 09:41 AM

Thank you for this. I’m so glad she got blocked. Have a Fantastic Day.

Jul 09 at 09:40 AM

Oh wow! Her posts were removed? Didn’t know that. Good they should have been. Have a wonderful Saturday


Jul 08 at 11:37 AM

I just turned 50 May 24th and I just want say we in the 50+ club have no time to troll. Ina girl if you are 50 and over with this foolishness just stop. It’s enough work out here for everyone to eat good, and it’s enough Tea to be sipped and spilled without continuing the mess you insist on consistently keeping up. We don’t need a rival between content creators for God sakes what sense does that make. I would like to see everyone navigate their own lane and watch your growth process and mental state flourish!


Replied on Stop Complaining

Jun 24 at 10:38 AM

Sorry Tasha. It’s was on my heart and In my spirit to correct the fuck shit. Have an Amazing day!!!

Replied on Stop Complaining

Jun 24 at 10:38 AM

Just trying to let them know Peaches

Replied on Stop Complaining

Jun 24 at 10:37 AM

Thank you!

Replied on Stop Complaining

Jun 24 at 10:37 AM

That part !!🤣🤣


Jun 23 at 11:16 AM

Good Morning All:

Just a Public Service Announcement to stop Complaining so Damn Much. This is a new app and it’s going to have Kinks. You people bitch and moan about the most minute (My-Nute for the people in the back) issues. Read the instructions for Christ sake. Obviously it’s your issue alone the rest of us managed to get it right 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. Stop being so difficult and watch your life change!!!

Have an Outstanding day!!!


Commented on Update on release.

Jun 23 at 10:56 AM

I hope the technical difficulties is not the Potter house Goons/Christian Bullies trying to stop this in its tracks!!! Stay strong. New level new devils and you heard Orlando . Holly Weird and Strange as Fuck (I added that part 🤷🏾‍♀️) People do such messed up things and try with all their might to shut it down