Judah Slaya

I feel for her and wife. At one time I was the wife of 13yrs n he was with many women n I knew but he scary and was well known in streets. He was fucking around with a minor n still with her. They have 2 kids now n he pretends our 3 doesn't exist. Many women speaking ill of this sistah n haven't experienced it has issues. Y'all probably no YOU DO have the most skeletons 🙄
It's called minipulation n grooming
I can tell you've never been in a situation like this b4. So don't say what you'd do n wouldn't. Many women don't even survive relationships like this. I CAN speak from experience. Women who talk the loudest about what they would do are normally the ones who don't make it thru. Ijs

Commented on ROCKY'S NEICE

Apr 07 at 10:53 AM

She never showed up there is none
The Lord is responsible for everything the good and the bad.
Why would she go after the wife? I'm sure she's sleeping with the husband. He humiliated her in public. She's not trying to hurt her she's trying to ring the alarm it's more then just her.
Not everyone smiles bc something is funny or cute. MOST ppl smile due to nervousness
I saw k Michelle dancing in a video and she had to physically lift her are up it had fell almost to her knees but in the back
I think something wrong with my tablet... I thought I heard fuckin neice..,