Inga Winters

Texas City, TX, United States

Jan 10 at 06:50 PM

Depends on the chicken breed. I have some thick leg chickens, raised just for legs. I have chicken raised just for their breast and some just for eggs. Pig raised for meat and sale of piglets.

Jan 10 at 06:47 PM

That why you find a local farmer.

Jan 10 at 05:48 PM

Dang it. I hate when I miss the should be irritated. Bish is new could have read for for filth


Jan 04 at 10:37 PM

Commented on Aftershow

Jan 04 at 10:34 PM

I missed it....super sad face

Commented on Aftershow

Jan 04 at 10:34 PM


Jan 04 at 08:32 PM


Jan 04 at 07:44 PM

Man Tasha you bar none...that switch up 56:28...was good.