Nisi Veritas

Replied on John Gray

Jun 06 at 11:09 PM

To do something

Commented on John Gray

Jun 06 at 11:09 PM

John Gray is untouchable and will continue to do the things he does because there is never follow through beyond the accusations….. and it sells clicks and subscriptions. If Tasha just leaked still pics from the video the story would go main stream national and that would result in change. I’m not taking about graphic pics, I’m just taking about still of his face, etc. but, the layers threaten, money exchanges hands and he gets to keep taking those donations in “the name of Jesus.” The only thing necessary to stop bad people is for good people

Commented on John Gray

Jun 06 at 10:41 PM

John has a history of paying to keep the receipts from coming out.

Commented on John Gray

Jun 06 at 04:34 PM


Replied on John Gray

Jun 05 at 11:00 AM

Not there yet

Replied on John Gray

Jun 05 at 07:16 AM

Hope so

Replied on John Gray

Jun 04 at 08:37 PM

The actual videos of John with the woman or the Videos of Tasha’s interview and discussions? Tasha said she was going to release some still pics from the actual videos of him with the woman.


Jun 04 at 06:29 AM

Where are the John Gray receipts!?



Jun 01 at 01:03 PM

Hey Tasha, I know you won’t post the video, rightfully so, but will you be posting any still pics from the videos?


May 31 at 02:51 PM

Charles Hall is the name of his personal assistant that is on staff at Relentless Church.