
By the way, Clarence went to jail and Chantel felt safe enough to tell someone then. This is when she confided in her older brother. He went to the wife and she called authorities on him. Clarence was examined and it was there in jail where he was diagnosed with herpes. The wife told police he gave her herpes. Chantel had genital warts at the time, 7 or 8 years old, but she was later, I believe 8 years old, when she had lesions in her mouth. They could not match her warts with him having them because he was not in an active breakout, according to the report, but after he got out of jail, making her suck his dick again, she was found to then have mouth lesions, although, for some reason they never cultured them to see if they were herpetic. She was failed as a child and now as an adult. Even his ex wife said little Chantel confided in her and a lot of the things he made Chantel do, the wife said he made her do also. This is why the wife said she believed her. He is a sick man

She didn’t remember some things but she was 7 and 8 when these things started and we just don’t remember every incident when there are so many of them during that time.

Her uncle on Clarence side is running for some office there now. I believe he may have been in law enforcement at the time. This thing is deep and Chantel has maintained the same story backed by sexual things he did with his wife along with the fact that she was medically proven to have been sexually abused only after going to live with him. I hope Tasha does her due diligence with the case report, right down to verifying that it is legit. However, the voice of too many people are noted in the report for it to not be valid.

Celest Everything this girl said is backed up by a police case report from 2002 and 2003, where the detectives penned everything said by 7-year-old Chantel and her story has not changed. Clarence is lying his butt off. He was not in jail when she was abused and from the investigation, he was the one abusing her. When she was with her mother, medical examinations proved that she was not touched by anyone, neither did she claim to be. However, when she was given to her father the sexual abuse started and during that time she was found to have genital warts and Clarence was diagnosed with herpes. There was so much in that report that pointed to Clarence, it was unbelievable. Chantel sent the full report to TASHAK. I am curious as to what Tasha will do since she went hard for Clarence’s support. To be clear, Clarence got off for the charges but when you read the report and the findings and how everything played out, it’s clear that he has some inside connection.

Lesions on your lungs don’t mean cancer. If they are very small, doctors don’t worry about them because they are most likely not cancerous.


If anyone is interested in getting more info, please go to Kimmies World on YouTube. She has obtained a lot of info that point to Clarence and his sons indeed having sex with her. They lied on her. She couldn’t articulate herself properly but she did not lie. I believe Chantel, especially after watching the video.


If you go to Kimmies World on YouTube, she did a video with a bunch of evidence that supports what Chantel says and proves they lied on her.

EBONI R BORDEN Also, perhaps her mother didn’t have proper accommodations for her and her child. Perhaps she had a closer bond with her dad since she spent a lot of time with him. We would have to query her on these things but just because she didn’t go to her mother doesn’t mean he is innocent. When I was 14, my mother kicked me out of the house butt naked at 11:00 at night because I went to visit my girlfriend to study. I was home before dark but she was at work when I left the house and we were not to leave when she was working. At 21 years old my mother set my house on fire with me in it, all because I couldn’t LOAN her $30. Yet I forgave her for that and everything else she had done to me as a child, and I loved my mother more than anybody in the world beside my son and my husband. I took care of my mother til the day she died. Other people hated my mother for the things she did to me but my heart couldn’t stop loving her. So, again, I don’t know why.


EBONI R BORDEN it is very common for grown children to return to their abusive parent’s home in their adulthood, live with them, visit them, care for them, etc. I not only returned to my physically abusive mother’s home, I also allowed my children to have overnight visits with her without me. I know several other people, some sexually abused by a parent and some physically abused, and all of them also returned to their abusive parent’s home in adulthood. I can’t explain it, yet I know it to be true because of even my own experience.


EBONI R BORDEN I don’t question the validity of the test. I don’t know care if people consider it or not. I have always contended that MY BELIEF is that Clarence touched his daughter inappropriately….. with or without a lie detector test.
