
Shawn wilson Hi Shawn, The same documents that he provided Tasha are the ones that I read on Kimmies World video, EXCEPT it was much longer. It looks like Clarence provided Tasha with a very condensed copy of the document and he chose pages that made him look innocent. He even provided his own interpretation for what he produced and some of it was not factual at all. Tasha was overwhelmed by the document, I believe, because of all the blanks, but had he provided the whole document, it would have read much clearer to her. Exceptionally cleared does not interpret as “innocent” as he indicated or even the definition he provided doesn’t say that. Clarence was well connected in the community and his brother is now the Sheriff of Palm Beach, so that may have had something to do with it. If Clarence was so innocent, why not provide the whole document and allow the reader to interpret what it says. He’s definitely slick. I’ll give him that.

Mz. Klazzic I have seen and read the police investigation report, the interview that was held with his wife, the brother, and the medical examination results. Do you have documents that we can rely on rather than just their word?

I am only regurgitating what the police investigation said. I’m not getting into a cussing out match with anyone simply because I am repeating what was on a report that I read about someone. I have not embellished what was in it but I understand some people are so vested in making what they want to be true until they would rather the person sharing the info to stfu. My mouth is opened and closed at my own discretion, not by the nonsensical advice from a fan of who seems to be a pedophile, according to the police investigation.

Also during this time Clarence was already in jail for domestic violence. The wife said Clarence gave her herpes and Chantel had blisters on her mouth. The boys were not reported to have any signs of this disease at this time. This is all according to the case report by the police. By the way, after Chantel was examined and found to have genital warts, the police got Clarence’s medical records from the jail which stated he indeed had herpes. The wife also stated in the interview that he gave her herpes as well. The boys didn’t have it. If they did, the wife would have known because they would have had to go to the doctor because in the police report, the wife stated when Clarence was diagnosed, he was in extreme pain, so if the boys had been involved at that time, they would have contracted it as well and the wife would have reported it. The wife believed Chantel because only the three of them seemed to have this disease and Chantel described things he asked her to do as well.


In the police case report that Clarence did not mention, it said that Chantel was medically examined while with her mother when allegations were made against the mother’s brother. I believe Chantel was 7 at that time. At that time she did NOT have ANY evidence of anything sexual happening with her. It wasn’t until she was 8, living with her FATHER when she was found to have genital warts, before her brothers got in the mix. In fact, Chantel confided in her older brother what her father had been doing to her and he was so concerned that he went to Clarence’s then wife. The wife then questioned Chantel and the things he made Chantel do were the same things he had asked of her. Chantel told her at this young age that her father only did these things to her when the wife left him but when she was in the house, he never touched her. The wife said she was in an out because Clarence was a straight whore messing with everybody he could.


Kimmie sent Clarence a message asking about some things in the report and he started calling her b***hes and threatening her. She also shared the conversation they had in his privates message. This man and now I know this woman that is on here with him are both liars. I guess a lie really is more fascinating, entertaining, and believable than the truth. Oh, another reason they deem cases exceptionally clear is to get credit for closing a case. It’s an “easy” credit. This case had been ongoing for a year and there was a mountain of evidence that clearly pointed to Clarence. I am convinced someone higher up order this case exceptionally cleared. The detective was very invested in this case and was diligent and thorough, so I know he/she was probably not happy about ending it before being able to take it to the end.


Clarence didn’t mention that Kimmie had the actual Case Report with day-by-day investigation by detectives,CPS, DCFS, etc.. After all of their work that clearly incriminated Clarence, all of a sudden the status of the case turned to “Exceptionally Cleared,” which does not mean what it sounds like. It means either the suspect died, or for some reason beyond the detectives control, they had no choice but to deem the case exceptionally cleared. Perhaps an order came from a higher up to do this. Remember, he was well connected in the community and so was his brother who is now running for office there. This also means the case can be reopened because he was not found not guilty. Also, I watched the video he mentioned that Kimmie did and it’s unbelievable how both him and his step daughter lied on the woman. She never said any of those things they are accusing her of. She simply read the case report and shared it on screen.

Tasha, did you read the report that Chantel sent you?

Tee Chantel was medically examined when she was with her mom and was found not to have been tampered with but some time after she went to live with her father, and after the allegations, she was found to have genital warts and Clarence was diagnosed with herpes. He went to jail after the first round of sexual abuse from him. She was in his custody. She was 7-1/2 to 8 years old. He did molest that girl. Correction: He was already in jail for DV.

Celest Her mother was the first to report him based on what Chantel told her but because of her mental illness, I believe they dismissed it but when his wife made the complaint, they paid attention and he was looking real bad y’all, but all of a sudden, it was dismissed. He was not found not guilty. The case was dismissed but it’s very easy, after reading investigation, he had help.