
My sister did a lot of things that Chantel did. She told a lot of lies, including lied on me. She did a lot crazy things, and everybody said she was crazy. We were all abused as children but when my sister said that my mother’s lover was touching her, everybody said she was lying. I didn’t even believe it until my brother said he had been touched also. He didn’t say it until he was in his 60s. Why he held that info I don’t know but it confirmed what my sister said about the lady. I can’t with this. Chantel is not telling All lies. Some of it is true.

I believe he touched her too. The wife said he is whorish. A whorish man will try anybody. My sister kept telling people that my mother’s lover was touching her. They kept saying she was lying and everybody believed my mother and her lover. They labeled my sister as crazy. My sister died at 54 years old with the title “crazy.” They used everything she said and did to support that title. It wasn’t until my brother was on his deathbed that he confided in me that my mother’s lover also was touching him and he had to do everything in his power to avoid her when my mother wasn’t around. Unfortunately, by this this they were all dead. I still believe he is not all that innocent. If he slept with thousands of women, his daughters were not off limits.


I believe some of both of their stories. He sounds too angelic for me…. Kinda like my mother. She told a story to the police that made me look like I was lying and they felt sorry for her, but she slipped up and that small slip shocked them into the reality that she was the liar and just because I couldn’t speak as well as her, that didn’t mean I was lying. BTW, my story didn’t involve sex abuse, but child abuse. As a rule, men love differently than women. They tend to love you conditionally and if you are causing them that much stress, they will cut you off and disconnect from your life. A mother will love you through all of your BS, but not a man. He loves like God. God loves you as long as you are doing your best to obey him. The Bible clearly states that he hates both the Sinner and the sin, not just the sin. This is how men love. When you start doing things to grossly disrupt their lives, they tell you to lose their number until you get your shit together.

I like that you give us the real good ones over here. You’re doing your thing GURL!