
Tamara Hodge I was a court reporter and I know that is not true. I used to work for a Michigan state court reporting company. There cannot be any errors that can alter a major part of it but minor errors are acceptable. They sometimes even get the parties’ names wrong, but that doesn’t disqualify the reporting. As long as it is an obvious typo and not an all out discrepancy.


I only mentioned it because several people were saying she wasn’t going to take it.


She posted a polygraph test that she took on March 2, 2024, which indicates that she was telling the truth. The entire test is there. I did note a couple of typos but because I have worked in similar setting before, I am not concerned about the two typos I found in the document. They were minor. Go to her page and take a look at it. Surprised no one mentioned it here.

Yes, Elisha1Love, and she also would not remember.

Elisha1Love She sure isn’t lying about everything. I was physically abused by my mother when I was a child, yet I let her keep my children, let them spend the night with her, and all of that. I believe her. Everybody in the house said my sister was lying when she said she was being molested. Found out 40 years later she was telling the truth.


Tashmia Turner I did not misquote the Bible. Psalm 5:5. “The foolish shall not stand in his sight; Thou HATEST ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY.” Workers of iniquity are SINNERS. In fact, he doesn’t even hear their prayers John 9:31.

MEOSHA THOMAS Thanks Sis, you said it better than me but those are my sentiments. The thing is, we are criticizing each other for our opinions when that’s all they are, “opinions.” None of us know exactly what happened and while we may strongly believe one thing, something else could be the truth. I’m dropping out of this conversation because it can become exhausting and my energy is precious….

MP thats me Wow, that’s a made for TV story. Fascinating…. And I thought My sister was bad. SMH


Tamara Hodge Tamara, my sister did a lot of the same things that Chantel did in her adult life. I understand that it most likely stemmed from our abuse as children, but she started telling people as a child that she was being touched but my mother and her lover were so good at looking like great people that nobody believed her. This probably contributed to her acting out so badly as an adult. I lived in the same house with my sister and my brother but as it turned out many, many years later, they were truly being sexually abused, yet I was not. I think I was too much of a tattle tale, wasn’t attractive enough or whatever, but I couldn’t believe it either. They did not come across as bad people and everyone thought they were perfect parents. I hear what you’re saying but I just don’t believe that she is 100% lying. I believe a lot of it is lies but not all of it.
