
Kimberly Smith I can say what I believe happened, which is what I did. I also say, again I BELIEVE Clarence touched that girl.


Tasha has 2 more people coming on to say how horrible Chantel is but no one to address her true justified mental issues resulting from molestation and abuse. No sympathy for the mentally ill, only the physically ill. SMH

If Dad was so whorish that he had over 1000 women, I believe he would even f*** a whole in the couch. I don’t believe his daughter was off limits. I don’t think he even needed to be drunk to do it. This good boy fasad that he’s selling, I’m not buying. I believe he touched that girl, but even if he didn’t, we know her story from a little girl being sexually abused and then having had sex with her own brothers also (according to their texts). She never received extensive therapy for any of this. So, in her adult life, when she exhibits behavior that deems her mentally unstable, we don’t acknowledge her illness; only her actions. I don’t get it. A person with cancer will show signs and we try to help them; not degrade or judge them. A person with mental illness gets both axes without the compassion. Dad is a smooth-talking slickster for sure. Damn d**k is probably duct taped together it’s been used so much, including on his own daughter.

Kimberly Smith Kimberly, now some people are gonna say the polygraph can’t be trusted, she rigged it, she paid tester off, liars pass the test and the truth tellers fail it, etc.


Sounds like the scale is gonna be tipped in this, i.e. “TK didn’t do all of the work needed to get to the truth.”

Someone in the chat said “Celest is misquoting the Bible,” with ABSOLUTE certainty. Then she went on to supposedly inform everyone of what is really said in the Bible with no receipt. She was 100% sure that she was right, but when I came back with Book, Chapter, and Verse, proving that I was NOT misquoting anything, she went to another post and started talking there, no apology, no, “I was wrong,” simply went to talk somewhere else. I’m saying this to remind everyone that no matter how sure we believe we are about something, if we don’t have absolute certainty (not mere opinion) we should be careful to remember that we are only speaking from an opinionated viewpoint, and we could be wrong. We should leave room for that error because we have all been in a position where we thought we were right and would even bet money on our belief only to realize later that we were wrong. I believe some of what both sides are saying but I could be wrong. I acknowledge that.


carol mays I don’t care about a polygraph test and I only wanted to bring out the fact that she posted one. The fact is none of us were there, so we really don’t know what happened. We are all speculating, I still believe that if he was an absent parent in her life for long enough for any abuse to take place, then he contributed to her mental confusion, both parents did. Yall giving that slick azz skeezer too much credit.


Vonne Johnson My sister was no more evil than the people in this chat. We were physically abused as children. This, coupled with the fact that no one heard her cry for help, greatly effected her mentally, and she became psychologically disturbed. I wish I had the discernment then that I have today. Perhaps, I could have pursuaded her to get some type of treatment. She was a mental mess and needed medical attention for that.

Clarence Freeman Now you’re doing too much because I never said whether it was fake or not. I only said she posted it. You’re not as squeaky clean as you have portrayed yourself to be. If that girl is as sick as you all say she is, why not focus on getting her the help she needs and understand that mentally ill people don’t realize they are mentally ill. Treat her illness as if it is an actual illness. Don’t say she is mentally ill, yet treat her actions as if she is sane. A lot of your children have issues, not all of them like Chantel’s, but they have issues, but you’re so busy trying to be daddy of the year, you can’t even aclnowledge that your children are damaged because of you, in part. An absent father is partially the blame for his disturbed child. Take ownership for your part and stop being a whore all over the place. I didn’t send for you so don’t come for me. And I believe you did touch that girl!


I think she should go her way and not speak on it on any other platform. Whatever happened will eventually come out. It may take years but either she will be vindicated or found to be the liar that most people believe she is. I saw a lot of pain and frustration in her. I am praying for all of them.
