Clarence Freeman

Tawana G no i never dated her. She brought the attention by showing my penis. Ain't no mystery woman send her that. That's the Pic she had and she loved that Pic of me so I gave her the attention she wanted. Out of 500 comments you and her responsible for 350 of them. You explain all that motivation other than scorned woman. 

Sabrina Stovall plus I'm an upgrade compared to her dude that's why she so mad at me. She big mad. She has made more comments than any other period it's insane


Sabrina Stovall the best thing ever happened to her is I said her name on Tasha K show. She made a video captioned Mama We Made It. It had 5 views. A lady reached out to me on Facebook saying she never heard of her before until I said her name. Chantel made a post thanking God for going viral, she and Chantel are one In the same. 

Sabrina Stovall kimmie has more comments than anyone and she is going harder than anyone. If it's 500 comments she us responsible for 300. All because she cheated on her man with Me years ago and fell in love with me but I didn't want her. She brought attention to herself by showing my penis a picture she has kept for years. Her and Chantel are one in the same. 


Sabrina Stovall they not even saying anything bad about what Chantel or Kimmie is doing. The women responsible for this mess have never been punished or spoke ill about. They gunning for me and only me. They don't care that all charges was dropped and my record cleared. They blaming the State, the police, CPS but nothing about the women who was proven lied and that's why the charges was dropped because of those women. Chantel even said that Teriza my ex wife told her to say I never touched her but she the woman who framed me. Make it make sense. 


Lisa i have 4 lawyers all on the top 10 list in Dallas. Let's Go! Your team verses Mine. 


Lisa you just another member to the law suit. You have told the world i did something the professionals said I didn't. Couldn't prove or verify one word from the Old Team. As far as the new team yall a joke. It's no new evidence that says I did anything. It's all a bunch of people talking foolishness. I will never be in jail over this garbage. I know the truth about that person. She will be in prison shortly and all yall will be looking stupid. Insurance Fraud aint no joke. Over 60,000 grand she will be locked up. While yall wasting time I'm living good entertaining all the death threats you are causing. 

Lisa how about thats a fake HIV test she posted. She even blacked out the medications. One thing Is true, if you take your medicine you will be undetectable. 


Lisa Chantel a criminal also so she credible 
