loulou's little girl

Huntsville, AL, United States

Feb 24 at 11:32 AM

Aww, a little misty-eyed for Tk, her family and TKLive team. It's a lesson in resilience and determination. Things can only go up from here and sooo happy for everyone, including the legal team on the win.

Feb 14 at 09:05 AM

chile,  know plenty of ppl that work for NASA in different positions, none are brainiacs; they just applied and got in ... hell, I'm no brainiac, but had an offer from NASA and turned it down.

Feb 05 at 08:10 AM

Winos, do ya'll think Chelsea has a drinking problem? What sane new mother/adult caregiver would put on a house coat in the middle of the night and screaming outside? Making threats she can't back up? Also, what sane woman would suffer the wrath of Winos because she thought it was a good idea to go after Tantou or Lemine? I mean if she want to see a different side of Chek, mess with his children. I realize she is "taunting" the Kebes, but all seemingly good ideas are not great ideas Winos.



Feb 01 at 09:44 AM

Its sad. Chelsea, who I never liked, is desparate and I suspect the TK's frienemies are fueling and paying her legal fees. What is the point? Is she not talented enough to get hew own business? Did she go after Jason Lee? Instead, you let Stormezia, Consciouz and LR up to this BS. I'm sure she's sent TMZ, SIL and any other celeb a copy if the publication in hopes of taking down her former boss. Her BD must not be paying the bills anymore. I think there are others helping her in this endeavor. I really do.


church service should be lit this Sunday, I hope their services are lived streamed

Yeah! My instincts were right about Nylah Gurl-La-La! So happy 



Jan 29 at 07:17 PM

the Cussing Pastor was tearing that dildo up, i mean, bruh, come up for air😆


Jan 28 at 07:47 PM

Str8 from the TK chronicles of "Did I Lie?" Everything is alleged until it isn't -- put some respect on her name.


urgh, sick of seeing that Shemar character on screen. IMO, the story sounds sketchy ... oooh, Cheick was messy tonight


Jan 04 at 06:09 PM

Get that other dude in the Wine Cellar. I know Rickey out here lying ...