Pamela Gaines

I thought you were going to be gone for 2 weeks. A pleasant surprise


Aug 30 at 02:01 AM

It’s a comedy show I’m sure she was cool with it, I don’t think they hit to far below the belt, the only thing funny about Dc Young fly is he’s funny looking

Maybe you tube


Even if she shared it, it would still be boring. She didn’t share it because she didn’t know how to make it interesting or didn’t know what else to make up. 🥱


Cap. Her story was just ok, typical story that we’ve heard over and over


She was under age a child can’t consent

As a teacher did u do anything?

I’m not enjoying this interview mainly because I don’t know him or his baby mama’s and why they having these random conversations. What’s his tea or wine.


Nah I don’t think Tasha husband would be feeling that.