Thee Elect Lady Tae Show

The southerners think I’m being judgmental when I say I can’t deal with these lame, lazy, slow ass country niggas. But yall keep proving my point over and over. The manipulate their women in so many ways. And if you don’t go for it, I’m too strong and they don’t like our northern attitudes. I bet..


I met Desi a few years back. I wonder if this is her car.

So relatable. I went from kingpins to a broke ass BD. Extremes - church made me feel bad. I called myself changing too. Smmfh lol


Why can’t iman move on? Fok Teyana he is fine. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏽‍♀️


Now that you know, get your mom to a doctor.

I hate favoritism amongst siblings. Calling him the golden child and you have other kids is wildly sad.

If he’s so close to his sisters, why did they come to him back when it was “happening”?