Thee Elect Lady Tae Show

Can’t she sue for malpractice??

I feel like because he’s fat and knock-kneed she thought he was gonna be stick around. Her mom and friends said they knew he was gay. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I seen her getting drunk on FB live with sine white girl and black guy. The kids were in the motel room or whatever they were for over an hour while they hey got drunk in the car.

Our people look at me sideways to this day, because I’m not an Eminem fan. Never was.


I met Loon the night I met Craig Mack and Puffy. I have a pic on my SM pages with them.

You are strong, you are beautiful, and you matter!! NOLA is a sick place, I know too many people from there with a story. Can’t wait to read this book when it comes out.


She should’ve came after she released her book then.


Don’t be trying to use Tasha for exposure. Should’ve spilled the wine 🍷!